June 6-8, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
SymbNET Metabolomics Workshop for Biologists: Metabolite-data driven stories on Host-Microbe Symbioses
The focus of this workshop is on the application of metabolomics to the study of host-microbiome interactions. Metabolomics has evolved into a powerful quantitative and high-throughput phenotyping approach which allows researchers to measure metabolite abundances and deduce pathway activity (through labeling assays), thereby facilitating the study of metabolic mechanisms, from model systems to human population studies. The metabolome encompasses small molecules – metabolites that in addition to being downstream products of gene and protein activity also have a far-reaching activity in the regulation of gene and protein expression and biological processes in general (e.g., cell growth, differentiation, activation, proliferation). Information contained in metabolites provides a direct, sensitive, and dynamic read out of cellular activity, i.e., phenotype at the molecular level. In the context of host-microbiome symbioses, metabolic profiling constitutes an essential tool to elucidate the chemical communication between the host and its microbiome and thereby, their mutual benefits and impact on the organismal fitness.
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